We Tell Stories

Until 1939, the area around “Pegaz” was the city’s lively social center. Walking through here at any hour, you could meet “all of Warsaw,” and the most celebrated members of the artistic and cultural elite. They transition from one café to the next, moving from an exclusive club to a trendy patisserie, from a famous bar to another bistro, and from a tavern to a restaurant, resetting the cycle at every stop. 
Since then, the world has turned to its knees, but the phantoms of old, who we call upon periodically, still tend to visit Piłsudskiego 9.
The “AVE PEGAZ” bar is a schmaltzy distillation of their time. We welcome our winged guests to our home with reverence and spend hours sharing their “winged tales” with guests who visit our home.

Cyk, Walenty!

Uważamy, że importowane z Ameryki święto zakochanych grozi wynarodowieniem i wyobcowaniem polskich zakochanych, zadurzonych, zauroczonych, zaręczonych, zakręconych czy wreszcie po prostu żonatych i zamężnych. Postanowiliśmy

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